Careers In Marketing

Careers in Marketing can be exciting and rewarding! Are you ready to begin the steps to begin a Career in Marketing? Read on to learn more . . .
The Steps To Starting A Career In Marketing
If you think this is the right career for you, here are some steps you can take . . .
Step 1
Find an industry or product/service that you feel passionate about. Remember, you will have to know this product/service inside out, so make sure it is something that you can believe in.
Step 2
Find out the educational requirements for the positions that you are interested in. Some companies may require little formal education, others may require as high as a Master’s Degree.
Step 3
One of the best career ideas for marketing is to practice your communication skills. In sales, 90% of your day is communicating to others. Joining a public speaking group such as
will give you the public speaking skills that you will need. Step 4 Look the part! Dress to impress, but always keep your audience in mind. While being professional is important, it is also important to make the people that you are selling to comfortable. Selling tractors to farmers? Don’t show up in a three-piece suit!! Step 5 Sell yourself! Your resume is your first sales test. If you can’t sell yourself, how can you sell anything else? You may want to show your resume to a trusted friend or mentor to see if your words are doing the trick.
Want to learn more about A Career in Marketing?
Click here to read more on the salaries and facts about Careers in Marketing.
Not sure if A Career in Marketing are right for you?
Click here to learn more about free Career Interest Tests that can help you decide which career will be right for you.
If Careers in Marketing aren't a good fit, you may want to consider one of these other Business Careers . . .
Other Business Careers
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