Networking Tips

The People You Know . . .And The People They Know!

Networking Tips

This is one of the easiest networking tips! You probably don’t realize just how many people you already know. Start a list! Write down the names of everyone you know and then next to their name write what they do for a living. Once you’ve completed the list, you can highlight or place a star next to everyone that you think may be able to assist you with potential opportunities.

Once you have your list of people that can help, make a connection! Call them, email them, invite them to lunch. Let them know what your passion is and ask them if they can help. Help may be advice or an introduction - be assertive about asking for referrals - do they know someone that can potentially help you? Don’t be disappointed. You’ve planted the seed and you can bet that the next time an opportunity arises, they will think of you!

Also, don’t forget about all of those people on your list that didn’t jump out immediately as potential career contacts. Spread the word to everyone! They each have their own social network and they may surprise you with help when you least expect it. The benefits of networking in this way are endless!

Check out more Networking Ideas. . .

Start your career networking with the people you already know! Click here to read more about utilizing these relationships.

Social Networking On The Internet

Social networking online is the backbone of communication in today’s techno-savvy world! Click here to read more about taking your networking online.


An internship can get your foot in the door! Click here to learn more about these hands-on opportunities.


Volunteering can help you network while you help others! Click here to read more about this motivational option.

Professional Organizations and Clubs

Professional organizations and Clubs can help you grow your resources while you network. Click here to learn more about the leadership opportunities that come with this type of networking.

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