Careers In Law

Careers in law can be exciting and rewarding!
Are you ready to begin the steps to discover if careers in law will be a good fit for you? Read on to learn more . . .
The Steps To Starting Careers In Law
If you think this is the right career for you, here are some steps you can take . . .
Step 1
Do your homework!
Do you know any lawyers or any one who works in the legal profession? If so,
talk to them!
Find out what it takes to a part of the legal system. If you don’t know a lawyer, call a local law firm and see if a one of the lawyers is willing to share some insight.
Step 2
Start working on that bachelor’s degree. It’s not so important what your degree is in, it’s more important where it’s from and how well you do. Many people looking to start careers in criminal justice will get a Criminal Justice degree. Make sure your degree is from a recognized institution and make sure your grade point average (GPA) is high. Competition is fierce!!!
Step 3
Start preparing for the LSAT. A good score on the LSAT is your golden ticket into law school and, just like a golden ticket; you can’t get in without it.
Step 4
As the old saying goes, “don’t put all your eggs in one basket.” Apply to several different law schools as you don’t know which one will accept you.
Step 5
Start building your resume. While in law school, get involved in as many extra activities as you can. Internships or writing for a law journal are great ways to your experience.
Step 6
The Bar Exam
Take and pass the state Bar Association exam. Contact the state Bar Association to learn more details about the exam in your state.
Want to learn more about becoming a Lawyer?
Click here to read more on the career salaries and facts about Careers In Law
Not sure if A Law Career is a right fit for you?
Click here to learn more about free Career Interest Tests that can help you decide which career will be right for you.
If a Law Career isn't a good fit for you, you may want to consider one of these other Criminal Justice Careers . . .
Other Criminal Justice Careers
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