Career Assessment & Free Career Tests


Free Career Interest Tests

The Jackson Vocational Interest Survey (JVIS) is a detailed career assessment developed to assist high school students, college students, and adults that are planning their education and career. This career aptitude test is designed to provide a detailed look at your interests and how they relate to your education and work choices. The JVIS exam was developed over 50 years and is considered the most comprehensive career placement test available.

The profile that JVIS provides describes careers that that you have indicated a high amount of interest in. The profile stresses that scores are based purely on interest and do not indicate if you will be successful or have ability in the suggested career field. The report also suggests specific job groups within a career field that may be a good fit for you. The JVIS report is divided into the following sections:

• Basic Interest Scales

• General Occupational Themes

• Academic Satisfaction Score

• Similarity to College Students

• Similarity to Job Groups

• Top Three Job Groups

• Where to Go From Here

• Administrative Indices

In addition to career suggestions, the report also looks at your academic interests. This feature can help you be sure that a field will be of interest to you before you invest in an education. Another unique feature of the JVIS is that it will compare your answers to the answers of people who are already working or studying in certain fields.

The JVIS takes about 40 minutes to complete and costs $19.95. Results are available immediately after completing the online assessment.

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